Crossing The Hidden Bridge

Christians of The Holyland

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This new Holyland guide invites readers to discover the hidden bridge-Christians of the Holyland. Although their presence has been hidden by a century of conflict, they have something profound to teach us. The journey combines Biblical insights with reflections on the contemporary hopes and challenges of Christians living in different parts of Israel and Palestine, along with personal stories from the author woven throughout. What does it look like to live faithfully to Christ in such a contested land? That question drives the story forward. The journey begins on an afternoon stroll in the wilderness of Mount Carmel and the discovery of something hidden in the distance!

ISBN/EAN 9781734840254
Auteur Tony Mubarak
Uitgever Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Gebonden in harde band
Pagina's 304

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