Optimising Pig Herd Health and Production

Optimising Pig Herd Health and Production voorzijde
Optimising Pig Herd Health and Production achterzijde
  • Optimising Pig Herd Health and Production voorkant
  • Optimising Pig Herd Health and Production achterkant

This collection summarises the wealth of research on optimising pig health to prevent the occurrence and spread of major diseases known to the pig industry, such as African Swine Fever (ASF) and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS).

ISBN/EAN 9781786768834
Auteur Prof Dominiek (Ghent University) Maes
Uitgever Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Gebonden in harde band
Pagina's 596

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