The Boy, The Dragon, And The Sea Monster
A fantasy book about Friendship Courage and Adventure
Embark on a Heartwarming Adventure With "The Boy, The Dragon, and The Sea Monster," This enchanting story follows a young boy who discovers a mysterious egg that hatches into a lovable and curious dragon. Together, the boy and the dragon form a deep bond and will save the village when troubles loom on the horizon, learning valuable life lessons. A captivating tale perfect for ages 4-8. Kids will learn:The importance of kindness and understanding. Loyalty and persistence. Conflict resolution through empathy. Personal growth through challenges. Unbreakable bonds through shared experiences. The power of teamwork. Grab your copy now!
ISBN/EAN | 9781998058068 |
Auteur | Sue Elias |
Uitgever | Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V. |
Taal | Engels |
Uitvoering | Paperback / gebrocheerd |
Pagina's | 36 |
Lengte | |
Breedte |