Witch's Starter Kit

Witchcraft, the Elements, and Magical Living

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A Perfect Starting Point for the Beginning Witch If you've landed on this page, it's likely that you have more than once had the feeling that there's another layer of reality beyond what you can observe with your five senses, and that somehow you are meant to understand it, if you can only find the right resources and the right path. If this is an accurate description of where you are right now, then welcome to the Witch's Starter Kit! Witchcraft is an enormous subject, and it can be overwhelming for those who are just starting to explore it. There's so much to learn, and so many differing perspectives on what is "correct" or "incorrect" in terms of knowledge and practice. Best-selling author Lisa Chamberlain has put together a collection of her top guides for new and aspiring Witches, covering everything from the history of the Craft to how to integrate your spiritual journey into your everyday life. Modern Witchcraft and Magic for Beginners: A Guide to Traditional and Contemporary Paths, with Magical Techniques for the Beginner Witch Modern Witchcraft and Magic for Beginners is an ideal starting point for anyone looking to find their footing in the wide world of Witchcraft. The guide begins with an overview of the historical and cultural contexts from which contemporary Witchcraft has evolved, and debunks common misconceptions about the Craft as it is practiced today. We'll examine clear distinctions between Wiccan, Traditional, and Eclectic paths, as well as common beliefs and observances that characterize this dynamic spiritual practice. You'll be introduced to ancient concepts that have been used for centuries to explain the "why" and "how" of magic. We'll also cover a few common magical techniques as well as some example workings for you to try. Elemental Magic: A Guide to the Elements, Witchcraft, and Magic Spells Elemental Magic offers a view of ritual and magic through the lens of the Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. In this guide, Lisa introduces you to each of the Elements: their properties, characteristics, magical associations, and effects on our lives. You'll learn how the Elements are invoked in ritual, as well as some techniques and magical practices for working with each Element individually. Of course, you'll also find spells, rituals and charms focused on each Element. Elemental Magic will be a treasured reference, magical guide, and springboard for you to make your own discoveries about the power of the Elements and the magic they have to offer. Living a Magical Life: A Guide to Initiation and Navigating Your Journey in the Craft New Witches will encounter two essential questions: 1) should you formalize your practice of the Craft with an initiation ritual? and 2) how do you integrate your new beliefs into your day-to-day life? In Living a Magical Life, Lisa addresses questions regarding coven initiation and solitary self-dedication, navigating common obstacles along your spiritual path, leaving behind old beliefs that no longer serve you, and developing and strengthening your inner psychic guidance system. There's also a step-by-step solitary initiation ritual you can perform when (and if) you feel the time is right, and spellwork for helping you stay in touch with your magical perspective every day-not just on Sabbats and Esbats! Embarking on a new spiritual adventure is exciting, but it can also seem daunting at first. The Witch's Starter Kit is a unique collection of resources designed to help you get oriented, start building your practice, and stay encouraged as you follow your unique path.

ISBN/EAN 9781912715787
Auteur Lisa Chamberlain
Uitgever Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Gebonden in harde band
Pagina's 316
Lengte 208.0 mm
Breedte 135.0 mm

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